Jane and Edward Bleka

Edward B. Bleka is the President and CEO of Quantum Foods, a family‐owned meat processing company he founded in 1990. Today, Quantum Foods has become one of the world’s leading and most technologically advanced food processors. Edward was the 2005 recipient of the Polish American Association’s Presidential Award. He also serves as a member of the Polish American Association’s Board of Directors and generously supports PAA, most recently by underwriting the purchase of a new van for PAA as well as donating meat products for the homeless. Through their successful business, Quantum Foods, Edward and Jane Bleka offer many immigrants an opportunity to provide for their families. Edward’s success and excellent leadership style won him the Entrepreneur of the Year Award, presented to him by Grant Thornton in 2003. His wife, Jane, also plays an active role on a daily basis in the operations of Quantum Foods as well as contributing to the success of the business. She also devotes much of her time to her grandchildren and to Catholic philanthropy, and she serves on the advisory board of the Bishop Abramowicz Seminary Center of the Archdiocese of Chicago.

Both born in Poland, Edward and Jane immigrated to the U.S. in 1970 and 1974 respectively. They have been married for 31 years and have four children (three daughters and a son) and five grandchildren.