2G Show - Gary and Grazyna at Polvision

The purpose of the 2 G Show is for PAA in partnership with Polvision, to discuss topics of interest not necessarily covered on regular TV but having interest in our community. Guests will be from a broad range of local personalities that will bring a unique perspective on information they will share with our audience.

The 2G Show co-hosts are Gary Kenzer, Executive Director and Grazyna Zajaczkowska, Director of Immigration Services of the Polish American Association. It is our pleasure to bring to you these shows.

 tv 01 public domain

episode # 8
Office of New Americans
premiere broadcast 7/25
re-run broadcast 8/8
Tonantzin Carmona
Director of Office of New Americans
City of Chicago
(312) 744-7597
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 tv 01 public domain

episode # 7
Bungalow Association
premiere broadcast 7/18
re-run broadcast 8/1
Mary Ellen Guest
Executive Director
Historic Chicago
Bungalow Association
312 675 0300 ext 13
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Mariyana T. Spyropoulos Chair of Finance Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago.
Mona Noriega Chicago Commissioner on Human Relations.
5/30/14 Todays show addresses topics of interest to Chicago residents from the Managing Deputy Director of the Planning and Development Commission.
5/23/14 - Todays show addresses issues by key leadership of the USCIS Chicago office for immigrants and the use of their web site and it’s impact on getting news to use for the immigrant community.
Our guest for today’s show is Detective Sgt. Jim Hennelly with the Cook County Sheriff's Office Intelligence Center in a conversation on Credit Card fraud and what to watch out for. Don’t be a  victim.
Discussion on the status of seniors who are immigrants in this country. Guest: Marta Pereyra, Executive Director of CLESE (Coalition of Limited English Speaking Elderly)
